Total Training - Adobe InDesign CS4: Essentials[/center Get an introduction to Adobe InDesign CS4 with this essential training that introduces you to the basics tools, skills and techniques required to create professionally styled text, layouts and graphics that deliver a powerful impact. In this series, you?ll be guided through the techniques needed to work with text and graphics in your layouts. You will also learn how to apply artistic effects to text and placed artwork, without prior knowledge of other applications like Illustrator or Photoshop. Highlights: Discover how InDesign CS4 provides a platform for communications beyond print. It can make electronic documents as PDF as well as web documents as SWF. Find out whether your print jobs will cause problems at print shops by using the new Preflight panel. Learn how design can be more efficient with Text and Object Styles. See how InDesign CS4 can apply many artistic effects to your placed artwork, without knowledge of other applications like indesignor Photoshop. Learn how to use layers to create different versions of your publications, for different languages, different markets, or more. Course Outline Chapter 1: EXPLORING THE INTERFACE (28 min) 1. Start Screen, Application Bar & Workspace Menu 2. Panels, Application Frame & Tab View 3. Using the Control Panel 4. Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts & Menus 5. Exploring Workspaces Chapter 2: CUSTOMIZING APPLICATION PREFERENCES (38 min) 1. Setting General & Interface Preferences 2. Setting Type & Composition Preferences 3. Customizing Units, Grids & Guides 4. Dictionary, Spelling, Autocorrect & Story Editor Display Preferences 5. Display Performance & Appearance of Black Preferences 6. File & Clipboard Handling Chapter 3: WORKING WITH DOCUMENTS (21 min) 1. Setting Up a New Document & Saving a Preset 2. Working with Templates 3. Replacing Missing Fonts & Updating Links 4. Converting Documents for Backwards Compatibility Chapter 4: NAVIGATING & VIEWING DOCUMENTS (21 min) 1. Navigating Pages & Layers 2. Links, Edit Original & Rotate Spread View 3. Zooming, Display Performance & Panning 4. Changing View Modes & Customizing a Proof Chapter 5: MARGINS, COLUMNS, RULERS & GUIDES (18 min) 1. Setting Up Units, Margins & Columns 2. Using Rulers 3. Working with Guides 4. Using Smart Guides to Align & Place Objects Chapter 6: ADDING TEXT TO YOUR LAYOUT (32 min) 1. Adding & Formatting Text in a Frame 2. Exploring Frame Types 3. Placing Text from a File 4. Threading Text Frames 5. Creating Text on a Path 6. Auto-Flowing Text 7. Using Smart Text Reflow Chapter 7: TEXT FORMATTING OPTIONS (33 min) 1. Choosing Fonts 2. Controlling Font Size & Leading 3. Changing Text Color in the Swatches & Color Panels 4. Adjusting Alignment, Tracking & Kerning 5. Using the Eyedropper Tool to Sample Text Attributes 6. Finding & Replacing Fonts 7. Adding Indents & Spacing 8. Controlling Hyphenation & Justification 9. Creating Drop Caps 10. Using Optical Margin Alignment Chapter 8: FORMATTING TEXT USING STYLES (20 min) 1. Creating Paragraph Styles 2. Applying Styles 3. Understanding Next Styles 4. Clearing Style Options 5. Redefining Styles 6. Importing & Managing Styles Chapter 9: TABS, TABLES & LISTS (33 min) 1. Formatting Text with Tabs 2. Creating, Selecting & Navigating Tables 3. Formatting Tables & Cells 4. Saving Time with Table & Cell Styles 5. Working with Bulleted & Numbered Lists Chapter 10: WORKING WITH PLACED GRAPHICS (28 min) 1. Exploring Bridge & Assigning Keywords 2. Placing & Scaling Images 3. Using the Free Transform, Position & Scale Tools 4. Frame & Content Fitting Options 5. Placing Multiple Files 6. Using the Links Panel 7. Building a Library Chapter 11: CREATING SHAPES & USING TEXT WRAP (21 min) 1. Creating Shapes & Frames 2. Customizing & Transforming Shapes 3. Aligning & Distributing Shapes 4. Applying Text Wrap Chapter 12: WORKING WITH COLOR & SWATCHES (41 min) 1. Introduction to Swatches 2. Choosing Colors & Creating New Swatches 3. Working with Gradients 4. Using the Kuler Panel 5. Using Transparency 6. Transparency Effects Chapter 13: USING LAYERS (12 min) 1. Creating Layers 2. Placing Content on Layers 3. Moving Content between Layers 4. Managing Layers Chapter 14: INTRODUCING OBJECT STYLES (12 min) 1. Creating New Object Styles 2. Applying Object Styles 3. Updating Object Styles 4. Defining Default Object Styles Chapter 15: ADDING INTERACTIVITY (26 min) 1. Making a Table of Contents Interactive 2. Creating Hyperlinks 3. Adding Buttons for Navigation 4. Adding Page Transitions 5. Exporting for the Web Using SWF & PDF Chapter 16: PREFLIGHT, PRINT & PDF (19 min) 1. Introducing New Live Preflighting 2. Packaging for Output 3. Understanding Printing Options 4. Printing Booklets 5. Exporting to Adobe PDF 6. Credits INSTALLATION a. Extract b. Mount/Burn c. Play & Learn
According to me now a days Adobe InDesign CS4 training is most important for each and every people who are connected to IT industry. You have given very nice post about Total Training part in Adobe InDesign CS4.
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