darkred14Previous Topic Got some issues . So this is Just a repost. All Credits GOES to > -- > WALL E
indigo20* Please Dont talk About Referal System Here *
This is a BASIC and VERY simple Guide.
The BEST part is that no matter What your Upload Speed is. It takes the same time for everyone. Why? (Explain Futher below). The most important that to own a Premium Account on RapidShare or MegaUpload or NetLoad or MegaShares or ... HotFile.com is a file hosting site too, but if you have Premium Account on other file hosting site, you can remote upload as much files as you want (or as you bandwich have... [RS) __________________
redStep-1 Getting Whats REQUIRED!
Go To :
And then Sign-Up for a Free Account.
Remote upload from RapidShare Check for a Few Latest Movies/TV Show Episodes download links. Make Sure that the Movies/TV Shows are Really Famous.
redTV Shows
Now lets copy the download links...
Than go to the upload section HotFiles (Main site) and click to the Remote upload.
Paste the download links into Remote Upload section.
Do not click the upload button... yet.
Now you have to write into download links your RapidShare code. Do not affraid, HotFile isnt a scam site.
And now click the upload button.
Thaats all. Now you have you HotFile download links. GO and share the link
red16Remote upload from RapidShare with Direct Link Generator
Go To This Site to make Direct Links:
Copy-paste your RS downloading links, write your username and password and then \"Get links\"
Please make sure that u dont Enter ur ALIAS But Your red14Number ID As shown below.
Youll get the RapidShare Premium Links. Just copy-paste into your HotFile remote upload site and then itll upload em.
red16Remote upload from MegaVideo
If you got it, and you have a MegaVideo Premium Account click the DOWNLOAD ORIGINAL button.
And copy the (direct) download link into HotFiles Remote upload section.
blackStep-2 Making Your Movies/TV Shows Famous. Post your links as much forums/site as you can. I only know a few forums, if you know others please share with us in comment.
Rest forums u can find in link heaven:
Step-3 Your statistics could be checked from here:
After a few days of uploading I have $161,24. Not bad at all.
They Pay Every Monday : Minimum Payout = 15 $ Payment method: paypal Webmoney Epassport
redIf anyone facing problems , comment here !! ________________________
brown12All credits : Wall E ________________________
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